How to get keys
How to get keys Unloc cannot create keys on behalf of lock owners. In general, it is the board in your building who is responsible for distributing keys to the residents living there. If you live in a building that already uses Unloc but you have not received your keys in the Unloc app yet, you need to contact your board directly and ask them to give you access to the relevant doors. If you have recently moved into a building which uses Unloc, you as a new owner will usually receive your dPopularHow do I change my phone-number?
Your profile is identified with your phone number and can therefore not be changed. You have to make a new account in the Unloc-app. If you have a new phone number: Sign out of the app and sign in again with your new phone number. You will now have a new user connected to your new phone number. Inform those who have shared keys with you (the board in your apartment building, friends, work, etc) that they have to send keys to your new phone number and delete the keys connectedFew readersI'm moving - what do I do with the lock?
If you are moving, the new owner can take management of the lock without having to remove the Danalock from the door. Step one - Delete the lock from the Danalock-app From the main menu in the Danalock app, click on "Device" in the lower right corner. Select "Delete device" and confirm by clicking "Ok". ( readersHow is the Unloc platform secured?
The Unloc Cloud runs on Google infrastructure, using Google Cloud’s security model. Google’s security model includes denial-of-service attack defences and encryption of all data in transit. Unloc uses Google’s Identity Services for user authentication. In particular, Unloc users are identified by their mobile phone numbers in E164 (international) format. Unloc does not accept any other authentication than phone numbers, and hence no passwords are stored. Phone numbers are verifiedFew readersHow secure is a mobile key?
A mobile key can't be copied like physical assets can. The only way to use a mobile key is from the key holder's unlocked phone. Mobile keys can have time frames and automatically expire. All usage is logged so you can see who entered when and where. The data is kept safely only for the key creator to see. If a phone is lost, simply delete the key from the control center to revoke access in an instant.Few readersHow do you securely manage accesses given by users?
Unloc users may grant Unloc permission to create and revoke keys to their locks. Lock vendors provide OAuth2 consent forms that users must accept in order to grant Unloc permission. The consent form is presented by the Unloc mobile app in the phone’s native web browser. Stored customer data is limited to customers’ phone number, name and profile image, in addition to customer-entered data related to their locks. All customer data in rest (in database) is encrypted with AES 256.Few readersHang up posters, stickers and leaflets
On this page, we’ve prepared a get-started-material-kit to help you ensure residents are aware of the possibility to use digital keys through OBOS nøkkelen. You can either order, or simply print, the posters, stickers and leaflets below. Ordering them is free of charge! 🛒 Order here (for free!): LINK 🖨 Download files here: LINK You can place A4 posters neaFew readers