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Futurehome smart hub

Locks connected to a Futurehome smart hub can now be used together with Unloc.

Written by Per-Erik Karstensen
Updated over a week ago

Futurehome is a supplier of smart house solutions. You can, among other things, connect different types of digital locks to the smart hub, like ID-Locks.

Since Unloc and Futurehome have a collaboration anyone with a lock connected to Futurehome can use the Unloc app - to easily open doors and share keys.

The advantage of Unloc is that you can share both permanent and temporary keys. Permanent to close friends and family. Temporary to craftsmen who need access mid-day and neighbours who are going to water the plants while you’re on vacation. 

In addition Unloc is an open platform, meaning that it can be used with any type of hardware. If you for example have a Danalock at the cabin and Futurehome at home you can use Unloc to administer all the locks from one app.

Unloc also collaborates with several major service providers, among others City Maid, and Schibsted’s “Helthjem”. These partners offer you to receive home delivery without having to be home — by using the Unloc app as well.

A key shared via the Unloc app is encrypted and can’t be shared further. You can let others share keys by signing in to the control panel and adding them there.

Unloc is free for private use.

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