Articles on: Unloc Control Center

Edit a Door

You can easily rename, add photos or tag doors in the building.

Step 1: Log in to the control panel by clicking here.

Step 2: Go into Doors from the meny, and click on the door you would like to edit. In this case, "Garage".

Step 3: Click on the tooth wheel top right corner, and click edit details. In the window, you can edit the name, note, and upload/change a photo. Name and photo will immediately be visible for users with key to the door in their app. Note is practical for your own administration of doors, as note is searchable in the Door overview. For instance if the door is in a specific building, or only meant for certain users

Step 4: In the tooth wheel menu, you can also add an address(see below). This makes the door visible in the end users map in their Unloc-app. Practical for users with many keys in their app, or for a package delivery company.

Step 5: If you have multiple buildings in one project, we also recommend using the Sites in the tooth wheel dropdown. You can create a site for every building, which makes it easier to keep overview/filter between the different ones.

Updated on: 25/09/2024

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